
Rapid Time Resolved Analysis of Filament Motility.

Ijpma, J.; Balassy Z. and A.-M. Lauzon.  J.  Mus. Research and Cell Motil., 39(5), 153-162, 2019.

Contractile properties of intrapulmonary airway smooth muscle in cystic fibrosis

Matusovsky, O. S., L. Kachmar, G. IJpma, A. Panariti, A. Benedetti, J.G. Martin, A.-M. Lauzon,Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 60(4):434-444. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2018-0005OC, 2019.

The Quebec Respiratory Health Network Biobank.

Biardel, S., Racine, C., Fortier, Y., Mogas, A.K., Maillé, É., Brochiero, E., Maltais, F., Lauzon, A.-M., Tse, S.M., Laprise, C., Joubert, P., Rousseau, É., Bissonnette, É., Laviolette, M., Bossé, Y. and Rousseau, S., Open Journal of Bioresources, 5, p.13. DOI:, 2018.

Maintenance of Contractile function of airway smooth muscle after cryopreservation.

Ijpma, G.; L. Chu; Linda Kachmar; A. Panariti; J.-P. Lavoie; A.-M. Lauzon, Maintenance of Contractile function of airway smooth muscle after cryopreservation. Am. J. Physiol. L724-33, 2018.

Basic fibroblast growth factor 2 is a determinant of CD4+T cell-airway smooth muscle cell communication through membrane conduits

Farahnak, Soroor, Toby K. McGovern, Rachael Kim, Michael O’Sullivan, Brian Chen, Minhyoung Lee, Haruka Yoshie, Anna Wang, Joyce Jang, Saba Al Heialy, A.-M. Lauzon and James G. Martin. Basic fibroblast growth factor 2 is a determinant of CD4+T cell-airway smooth muscle cell communication through membrane conduits. J. Immunol, 199: 3086-93, 2017.

Epithelial cells induce a cyclooxygenase-1-dependent endogenous reduction in airway smooth muscle contractile phenotype

O’Sullivan, M. J., E. Gabriel, A. Panariti, C.Y. Park, G. Ijpma, J.J. Fredberg, A.-M. Lauzon and J.G. Martin. Epithelial cells induce a cyclooxygenase-1-dependent endogenous reduction in airway smooth muscle contractile phenotype. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2016-0427OC. [Epub ahead of print]. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 57(6):683-691, 2017. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2016-0427OC

Directional preference of airway smooth muscle mass increase in human asthmatic airways

Ijpma G., Panariti A., Lauzon A.-M. and J.G. Martin. Directional preference of airway smooth muscle mass increase in human asthmatic airways. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00353. 2016. [Epub ahead of print]. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 312: L845-L854, 2017.

Airway hyperresponsiveness; smooth muscle as the principal actor

A.-M. Lauzon and J. G. Martin, Airway hyperresponsiveness; smooth muscle as the principal actor. F1000 Research, Published online 2016 Mar 9. doi: 10.12688 /f1000 research.7422.1

Peripheral Airway Smooth Muscle but not the Trachealis is Hypercontractile in an Equine Model of Asthma.

Matusovsky, O.S. L. Kachmar, G. Ijpma, A. Benedetti, G. Bates, N. Zitouni, J.-P. Lavoie, A.-M. Lauzon, Peripheral Airway Smooth Muscle but not the Trachealis is Hypercontractile in an Equine Model of Asthma. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2015-0180OC. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol., 54: 718-27, 2016.

Nanotubes connect CD4+ T cells to airway smooth muscle cells: novel mechanism of T cell survival

Heialy, S., Zeroual, M., Farahnak, S., McGovern, T., Risse, P.-A. Novali, M., Lauzon, A.-M., Roman, H.N., and J.G. Martin, Nanotubes connect CD4+ T cells to airway smooth muscle cells: novel mechanism of T cell survival. J Immunol. 194:5626-34, 2015.